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The picture shows an impressive, modern exhibition installation in the Bernisches Historisches Museum, which creates a fascinating, almost floating atmosphere with a multitude of floating screens showing iconic images of Albert Einstein.
Das Bild zeigt ein detailliertes Modell eines historischen Pfahlbaudorfes in einem Museum. Die sorgfältig gestaltete Szene vermittelt eine ruhige, lehrreiche Atmosphäre und lädt die Betrachter ein, in die Vergangenheit einzutauchen und das Alltagsleben früherer Zeiten zu entdecken.
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann, der in einem Museumsausstellungsraum historische Porträts betrachtet. Die Wände sind mit detailreichen Gemälden bedeckt, die die Vergangenheit lebendig machen. Die reflektierenden Oberflächen verstärken die intensive, nachdenkliche Atmosphäre.

Bernisches Historisches Museum

The ten permanent exhibitions at the Bernisches Historisches Museum are devoted to the topics of history, archeology and ethnography. The integrated Einstein Museum presents the life of the Nobel-prizewinning physicist and the museum’s modern addition measuring 1,200 m² houses various exciting and rotating exhibitions.

Useful information

  • City of Bern
  • Museums & galleries

Cultural-historical, pre-historical or ethnographic topics

With excavations from the Stone Age, burial customs from Ancient Egypt, Indian handicrafts and 2,400-year-old exhibits from the Orient, the Bernisches Historisches Museum is one of the leading cultural-historical museums in Switzerland and is home to a collection of around 500,000 specimens of universal historical significance. The items on display date from the periods extending from the Stone Age to the present day and represent cultures all over the world.

The exhibits from the past history of the capital city of Bern deserve special mention. The west portal of the Bern Minster, models of the Old Town, the plunder from various military campaigns and splendid silver treasures from the Renaissance and Baroque eras are just a few examples of the permanent exhibitions.

Einstein Museum

Albert Einstein was living in Bern when he developed his world-famous E=mc² formula. The Einstein Museum introduces visitors to the life and work of the physicist in a captivating manner within the larger context of world history. Einstein’s theories and discoveries are illustrated using animated films and experiments. You can find out more about this multifaceted exhibition focused on probably the most famous scientist of modern time here.

Take a Selfie with Albert Einstein

Visit the park at the Bern Historical Museum for a special encounter with Albert Einstein. How about a selfie on the Einstein bench next to a life-sized bronze figure of the brilliant physicist? And don’t forget to use the hashtags #ilovebern and #einsteinselfie when you post your pictures on Instagram, Facebook and Co. The bench was installed thanks to the generous support from the GVB Cultural Foundation.


Bernisches Historisches Museum
Helvetiaplatz 5
3005 Bern

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