Bern Ticket

From your very first overnight stay at a tourist accommodation in the city of Bern, you will receive a Bern Ticket for your entire stay, which lets you travel for free on public transport in zones 100/101 operated by the LIBERO Association.

The Bern Ticket is ideal for travelling from A to B or for exploring and getting to know the federal city. With this ticket, you enjoy free travel in Bern and the surrounding area. All streetcar and bus journeys in zones 100/101 operated by the LIBERO Association are included.

  • Fact

    The Bern Ticket also includes the famous Gurten and Marzili funiculars and the elevator to the platform of the Bern Minster.

On the day of your arrival, you won’t have to worry about a transfer ticket. If you haven’t already activated the ticket in advance via the Bern Welcome app, the hotel’s reservation confirmation is sufficient to travel from the train station or BERN Airport to your accommodation.

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