Gantrisch Legend Route
As the name suggests, the 64 kilometres of this e-bike route are legendary. Sometimes dwarves cross your path, sometimes mysterious horsemen, sometimes you ride through fairytale forests, sometimes you cross mystical gorges. Enjoy the fantastic regional products in farm and village shops, stop off at legendary country inns or spend the night under the stars.

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The history of the Gantrisch region is not only shaped by its geography and its inhabitants. Over the centuries, natural disasters, crop failures, famines and social structures have shaped the character of this now extremely fertile region. In their distress, people repeatedly sought answers and comfort from the spirits of nature, which explains the wealth of legends in the Gantrisch region. Discover the six legend stations on your e-bike route - and get to know the history of the land and people of the Gantrisch Nature Park with all your senses.
Tip from the author
It is recommended to discover the route as a multi-day tour or in several stages so that there is more time to enjoy the experiences. Starting and finishing points are Burgistein, Riggisberg and Schwarzenburg.
Rent a Bike
In Schwarzenburg at Bikewander – the official Rent a Bike station – you can hire a bike of your choice on site. Alternatively, the desired bike can be reserved in advance with Rent a Bike at the SBB luggage counter at Bern railway station. This can then be collected and returned there.
Map and elevation profile
Best season
Discover the legend of "Chatz u Muus" from Burgistein
Starting and finishing points with connections to public transport as well as e-bike rental options are in Burgistein, Riggisberg or Schwarzenburg. For example, start the e-bike tour at the welcome point at Burgistein railway station. From here, the Veloland Route 74 leads to Wattenwil, where the first adventure spot is already located. Who knows why the rock formation on the Walalp ridge above Wattenwil is still called "Chatz u Muus" today? The legend of the same name answers this question, simply scan the QR code with your smartphone and listen to the legend on site or read it thanks to the plaque in the secret compartment on site.
Of peddlers and dwarf secrets
Now it's uphill on Veloland Route 4 to the scenic adventure spot in Rüschegg. The church can be seen from afar, and here those with a thirst for knowledge can hear or read the story of what is said to be the first pedlar in this region. Continue leisurely on your e-bike along Veloland Route 37 towards Riffenmatt. Here, at the adventure spot in the Riffenmatt car park, a view of the Horbühl Pass with its dense and mysterious forests opens up. Legend has it that many years ago the villagers captured two dwarfs to uncover their secret.
Through the impressive Rossgraben to Hinterfultigen
In Kalchstätten, the route from Veloland Route 37 now continues on Route 62 towards Schwarzenburg. After a restorative descent, an impressive stretch now follows through the Rossgraben, up over the well-known Maillart bridges, to Hinterfultigen. Fortunately, it is pleasantly cool in the forest, past sandstone. Once you reach the top, it's time to rest. It was here, in Hinterfultigen, that the legend of the burning man originated, which is still thought-provoking today.
From Rüeggisberg Monastery to Riggisberg Castle
The Gantrisch Legend Route leads to the village of Rüeggisberg. Here, next to the monastery, the terrifying legend of the headless monk can be heard or read. A little further down, in Riggisberg, an equally scary legend is told at the castle, namely that of the Rabbentaler, the former castle lord. So many experiences and stories make you hungry and thirsty. On the way, it is worth stopping at legendary inns, village and farm shops. A refreshing drink and a sensational menu with regional specialities - the Gantrisch Nature Park has a lot to offer in terms of culinary delights. Full of impressions, we now head downhill on the Veloland Route 99, back towards Burgistein station. The Gantrisch Legend Route is truly an impressive experience for all the senses.
Getting there
- Public Transport
Reisen Sie bequem via S-Bahn von Bern in ungefähr 30 Minuten zu den Willkommensorten in Burgistein, Schwarzenburg oder Riggisberg. Von Thun sind Sie in ungefähr 15 Minuten mit der S-Bahn in Burgistein und von Fribourg bringt Sie ein Bus in ungefähr 30 Minuten nach Schwarzenburg. Hier geht es zum Online-Fahrplan. Einzeltickets und Velo-Tageskarten können bequem online gelöst werden. Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen für den Veloselbstverlad (siehe hier).
- Privat Transport
Lieber gleich mit dem E-Bike anreisen? Ab Bern einfach während ungefähr einer Stunde der Veloland-Signalisation 62 und 99 nach Riggisberg oder 74 nach Burgistein folgen. Ab Thun und Fribourg führt die Route 4 zu den Willkommensorten der Sagenroute Gantrisch. Hier geht es zum Veloland-Netz.
- Parking
Wir empfehlen die Anreise mit dem E-Bike oder öffentlichen Verkehr.
Useful information
Safety Information
Wear a bicycle helmet and switch off the e-bike motor (45 km/h) in the event of a ban on motorised bicycles.
- E-bike or bicycle Helmet
- E-bike charger
- Comfortable clothing
- Sun protection
- Bag, backpack or bike basket for shopping in the farm and village shops
Additional information
Here you can find more information about the Gantrisch Legend Route.
E-bike friendly accommodation
We recommend enjoying your bike trip at a slower pace and staying overnight in the city or region of Bern. Whether in a stylish city hotel, royal castle or cosy farmhouse – we show you where to stay and reveal the best hotel tips for cyclists.