Dr gross Sumiswauder

GPS data (geodata) for this tour
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Tip from the author
Map and elevation profile
Best season
Getting there
- Public Transport
Arrival by train, car, on foot or by bike.
- Parking
P+Rail Sumiswald sbb.ch/parking
Useful information
Safety Information
e-bike reservations recommended at rentabike.ch
Additional information
To rent an e-bike we recommend the bicycle station Burgdorf or Affoltern i.E. (Emmentaler Cheese Dairy). Have a look at the Hügu Himu website? huegu-himu.ch
Note: There may be significant deviations in the indication of the altitude difference between SchweizMobil and Outdooractive. This is based on a differently resolved terrain model, while SchweizMobil is already taking in consideration small differences.
E-bike friendly accommodation
We recommend enjoying your bike trip at a slower pace and staying overnight in the city or region of Bern. Whether in a stylish city hotel, royal castle or cosy farmhouse – we show you where to stay and reveal the best hotel tips for cyclists.